Emma: A Pop Musical -- Musical

In Monarch Theatre Company’s Emma: A Pop Musical, Martin dances his way through a daydream in which he has the privilege of waltzing with the girl he loves, Harriet. I had the unique privilege of playing Martin in this show.

In Monarch Theatre Company’s Emma: A Pop Musical, a dejected Martin floats through a school party. As Martin, I wish to dance with the girl of my dreams, Harriet, who, by the influence of Emma, refuses me.

Monarch Theatre Company chose Emma: A Pop Musical as their fourth show, in which I was cast as Martin. In this scene, I sit utterly defeated, having been recently rejected by Harriet.

Martin from Emma: A Pop Musical, has created several clever yet cheesy names for his bowling team. One of these titles is “Spare Me,” a phrase inspiring this pose in which I pretend to be a damsel in distress.

Monarch Theatre Company’s fourth show was Emma: A Pop Musical, in which I was cast as Martin, a timid yet passionate busboy working at Highbury Prep. Drastically developing as an actor during this show, I learned much about stage relationships and how to portray love in a more realistic way.

In Monarch Theatre Company’s Emma: A Pop Musical, I performed as Martin. In this scene, I freeze, becoming a piece of Harriet’s daydream. This takes place at a school party as I try to forget my broken love for Harriet.


Human video, Monarch Theatre Company, 2021


Pride and Prejudice -- Straight Play